The max hit for each category does take into account all of the possible randomized enemy spawns. The table for the boss part of Into the Mist gives the damage reduction for each combat style that is, this fight requires switching between three equipment sets, each with the given damage reduction. It included in this set of tables for completeness's sake (omitted on Reddit, due to length limits), and split into the warmup (the 20 randomized monsters), and the boss (the final three enemies) right now, none of the information provided is very useful, but further changes to the game may affect this. In addition, the player's health can potentially be capped at 50% max hitpoints. Into the Mist is a unique dungeon, in that it needs only ever to be completed five times, it can spawn any enemy whose combat level is between 165 and 677 (inclusive), and the final three monsters each can only be damaged by a single type of damage. The rows start at either 100 hitpoints or the point at which damage reduction values are reachable, and end at 1160 hitpoints, or when damage reduction values for all combat styles are 0. the damage reductions for 900 hitpoints is the same as for 890). If the hitpoints "skips" a row (for example, the row for 890 hitpoints is followed by 910), then it is because the middle value has the same values as its predecessors (e.g. Values in these charts crossed out and in italic mean that the given damage reduction is beyond the practical limit of 81%, and likely can't be reached.

💍 indicates that the Wasteful Ring is equipped, adding 5% to the Auto Eat threshold. ⚔️ indicates that the player is using Melee, 🏹 indicates Ranged, 🧙 indicates Magic. The ❤️ column gives the player's hitpoints (including bonuses). The column headings use emoji to display combat style, difficulty, and equipment (excuse the pictographs it's much more readable than long text). The Wasteful Ring (which increases the auto-eat threshold) adds a bonus of 5% (additive) to the Auto Eat threshold (for Auto Eat III, this means a threshold of 45%), making it an important item to include in calculations. For example, a player with 550 hitpoints, a magic combat style, and Auto Eat Tier III can safely idle Dragons Den with a damage reduction of 43. The following charts give the damage reduction required to safely idle a dungeon with a given number of hitpoints using a given combat style, in both normal and Hardcore mode.

This is intended as an appendix to my Compendium of Damage Reduction.