Kiwix files Static dumps of wiki projects in OpenZim format Dataset collection at the Data Hub (off-site) Many additional datasets that may be of interest to researchers, users and developers can be found in this collection. Other files Image tarballs, survey data and other items.

Analytics data files Pageview, Mediacount, Unique, and other stats. Backup dumps of wikis which no longer exist A complete copy of selected Wikimedia wikis which no longer exist and so which are no longer available via the main database backup dump page. DVD distributions Available for some Wikipedia editions. These are currently not running, but Wikimedia Enterprise HTML dumps are provided for some wikis. Static HTML dumps A copy of all pages from all Wikipedia wikis, in HTML form. Mirror Sites of the XML dumps provided above Check the complete list. If you are a regular user of these dumps, please consider subscribing to xmldatadumps-l for regular updates. These snapshots are provided at the very least monthly and usually twice a month. A number of raw database tables in SQL form are also available. Database backup dumps A complete copy of all Wikimedia wikis, in the form of wikitext source and metadata embedded in XML. Please volunteer to host a mirror if you have access to sufficient storage and bandwidth. The Wikimedia Foundation is requesting help to ensure that as many copies as possible are available of all Wikimedia database dumps.